RecordTS Featured in New DaaS Book

This week a new book about Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) was launched by my friend and former colleague, Claudio Rodrigues. His latest endeavor is another addition to his Complete Guide series that explains in painstaking detail how to install and configure Windows 10 desktops using Azure’s Windows Virtual Desktops platform (AVD). The reason this is exciting for us is that RecordTS is featured as a DaaS session recording solution in his book.

Some Background

DaaS catapulted into the spotlight recently with the surge in Work-from-Home (WFH) users due to the covid pandemic. Microsoft has seen their Azure hosting environment take off during this time and along with it the need to deploy secure, easy to use desktop solutions in the cloud. Enter Windows Virtual Desktops, a solution that builds on its predecessor, Terminal Services, now known as  “Remote Desktop Services” (RDS). The problem with RDS is that users are served up Windows Server desktops, not Windows 10 workstation desktops. Windows Server desktops lack all the familiar bells and whistles of a typical home computer that users have come to enjoy. Windows Server desktops are boring. Boo.

Solution:  Windows Virtual Desktops

But the problem up until now has been that a Windows 10 workstation only allows one user to be logged in at a time, not conducive to large enterprise deployments. This is where RDS shines as it can host many desktops at once, alleviating the need to supply one workstation per user, or virtual machine in hosting parlance. Hosting individual machines in the cloud can be expensive, so saving on real estate by using terminal servers is attractive. With Windows Virtual Desktops, companies wishing to migrate their Win10 users to Azure can have their cake and eat it too.

Session Recording for AVD

RecordTS has been redesigned to work with the new Azure WVD offering as AVD does not support RDP as a native session protocol. Enter RecordTS WVD recorder – a new session recorder that is “protocol agnostic” – meaning it does not rely on RDP to operate.  Claudio’s DaaS book includes a chapter that explains in step-by-step procedures how to deploy RecordTS on the AVD platform. Check it out along with the other valuable tips on migrating your organization to the cloud. At almost 800 pages, there is something in there for everyone and quite a steal IMHO.

Check out Claudio’s new book:  DaaS: The Complete Guide
Other books by Claudio:  RDS: The Complete Guide
Download RecordTS:   RecordTS v6 30-day Free Trial
Read about the RecordTS product line:  RecordTS Windows Desktop Session Recorder

Tom from Raleigh, NC USA