The number of American healthcare data breaches almost doubled in 2016, averaging more than one data breach per day in 2016 for a total of 450, up from the 253 breaches that took place in 2015. The 2016 Data Breach Incident Report describes healthcare as one of the most affected industries by cybersecurity threats, both insider and privilege misuse. Half of the breaches were caused by insider threats and the remaining were from external forces which included hacking.
It is clear that the healthcare industry, like any other, is facing increasing security challenges. What makes their challenges unique, and therefore more difficult to solve, is that implementing industry-standard cybersecurity practices isn’t practical. It can inhibit clinicians’ work, also leading to life-and-death consequences. For example, systems that prevent log-ins if clinicians are logged-in elsewhere can interrupt or delay surgeries or hinder emergency treatments.
User monitoring applications are becoming standard in many companies, particularly those handling sensitive software such as in the healthcare sector. This software monitors what users are doing while logged in remotely and helps to provide clear evidence and root causes during investigations of security breaches.
This software is often necessary for compliance and auditing purposes as in the case of HIPAA medical regulations regarding handling of patient records.
Learn about how RecordTS’s Remote Desktop Session Recording software can help.
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Cerner, Greenway Health, GE Healthcare