Cybersecurity agency recommends list of apps to guard against malware, phishing attacks

SINGAPORE: The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) has refreshed its list of recommended security apps that members of the public can use to safeguard their devices against malware attacks and phishing.

The list contains six apps that are available on either Android or iOS devices: Avast Antivirus & Security, AVG Antivirus & Security, Norton360 Antivirus & Security and Sophos Intercept X for Mobile for Android users. For iOS devices, the listed apps are F-Secure Mobile Security and ZoneAlarm Mobile Security.

A subscription fee may be required to unlock more features on certain apps, CSA said on Monday (Jan 20). CSA launched the first version of its list in September 2023. Since then, the agency has reviewed it and conducted tests on 18 unique apps across Android and iOS devices.

“The tests referenced those that were carried out by established industry third-party test bodies such as AV Test and AV Comparatives,” CSA said.

The listed apps were evaluated across four categories.

The first category is malware detection, which involves testing the ability of security apps to detect various malware samples – including original, rehashed and obfuscated samples. Apps were evaluated on how well they identified disguised threats before they could compromise the device.

This is crucial as a first layer of protection against a range of malware including spyware and dropper – a program designed to deliver and execute other forms of malware onto a victim’s system and device.

Due to the security architecture on Apple’s iOS, security apps cannot scan other iOS apps for the presence of malware. Therefore, that functionality cannot be tested on iOS devices, said CSA.

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Source: Channel News Asia